The Role a Phase One Lab Plays in UTI Research and Trials

UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is one of the most common infections causing approximately 8 to 10 million visits to primary health care providers per year in the United States. According to studies, 60% of women will have at least one UTI infection during their lifetime while 12% of men. Given the burden that UTIs can cause on the finances since the condition has the tendency to recur and resist antibiotics, researchers in the phase one lab are working on alternatives to antibiotics. A better understanding of UTIs could potentially find long-term solutions and treatments.

Phase One Lab

Phase one lab is the first step of three or four phases of search studies to test a new medicine or treatment for humans. The phase one clinical trial is to determine if an experimental drug or procure is safe for human use.

But before phase one clinical trial is done on humans, testing must be done extensively in a lab or on animals. The preclinical testing (testing on animals) will determine if a human trial will be approved.

Phase one trial is done to determine if a drug or procedure is safe. In addition, phase 1 also aids researchers to establish the best dose and ways to administer the drug: orally, inhalation, injection, or other methods.

It is also during this phase that researchers may be able to track if participants have a better outcome than expected without the treatment. Phase one clinical trial participants are closely monitored as the treatment may carry high risks. Urine and blood samples may be collected regularly as well as vital signs.

Phase one lab is not for everyone though as the treatment can potentially expose one to serious side effects. On a lighter note, this could also improve one’s quality of life and a better chance at survival if a treatment is safe and effective.

UTI Info, Treatment, and Trials

Some people are at higher risk of getting diagnosed with UTI, particularly women. But men and children can also get the infection. There are different reasons that increase the risks of UTIs:

  • Pregnancy
  • Sexual activity
  • Poor hygiene
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Use of certain types of birth control
  • Menopausal
  • Age
  • Suppressed immune system

Signs of UTI

The common signs of urinary tract infection can include

  • Pain when urinating or burning sensation
  • Frequent need to urinate even with an empty bladder
  • Frequent urination
  • Cloudy urine, urine that appears red or pink, and strong-smelling urine


Your physician will prescribe antibiotics to treat UTIs. But like the fundamental principle of health, prevention is better than cure.

Always drink plenty of fluids to frequently urinate and flush out bacteria from the urinary tract. Then, refrain from using irritating feminine products, urinate after sexual intercourse, and wipe from front to back after urinating or defecating.

Continued clinical trials help researchers and medical professionals, like our experts at NICR, provide scientifically-backed advice and treatment to patients. Even when first attempts are unsuccessful, results will direct scientists toward other means and measures to protect people from UTIs apart from the use of antibiotics.

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