Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy All Year Long


Failure to take care of your kidneys and maintaining renal health will lead to kidney failure, resulting in chronic kidney disease (CKD) that would require dialysis or a kidney transplant.


It can only go downhill from there.


This is why it is important to take better care of your kidneys, and work hard to achieve renal health. This is especially true for adults with diabetes and high blood pressure, as 1 of 3 and 1 of 5 of them, respectively, may have chronic kidney disease, according to the CDC. And if your family has a history of kidney failure, you’re also at a high risk of developing the disease.



How to Maintain Renal Health


Get a Screening

About 195 million women are affected by chronic kidney disease. With nearly 600 thousand deaths annually it is the 8th leading cause of death in the female population. Some pregnancy-related complications also increase the risk of kidney diseases.


This is why screenings are highly encouraged for early detection. Many people are at risk of chronic kidney disease. But if you are a woman, and have a family history of kidney diseases, diabetes, or have high blood pressure, you need kidney screenings more than ever.


Men should be wary of maintaining renal health as well by getting regular screenings.



Stay Fit and Active

Reduce your blood pressure and you reduce the risk of CKD. This led to the birth of the concept “on the move for kidney health” that urges the public to walk, run, and cycle to keep the kidneys healthy.



Keep Blood Sugar Levels under Control

As previously mentioned, diabetic individuals are at a higher risk of developing CKD. This is why they are encouraged to have regular tests to check functions of their kidneys.


Early detection can reduce or prevent kidney damage from diabetes, thus the importance of regular tests. So, work with your doctor or pharmacist to keep control of your blood sugar levels.



Monitor your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure not only leads to heart attack and stroke but also causes kidney damage. In fact, it is the most common cause of kidney problems.


If you are diagnosed to be pre-hypertensive, where blood pressure is between 120/80 and 139/89, you should change your diet and lifestyle.


If your blood pressure is at 140/90 and above, monitor your blood pressure regularly and consult with your doctor. Find out what factors cause your blood pressure level to rise and the corresponding solutions.



Eat Healthy

Maintain renal health by eating healthy, which can also help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and other CKD-associated conditions. It will also keep your weight in check.


So, remember to:

  • Lessen your salt intake
  • Limit your consumption of processed and restaurant food
  • Prepare food yourself with fresh ingredients
  • Learn more about nutrition
  • Talk to your doctor about cooking for kidney health



Keep Fluid Intake Healthy

Researchers in Australia and Canada say that high fluid consumption results in a significantly lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease because it clears the kidneys of sodium, toxins, and urea.


But make sure not to overdo it. “Aggressive fluid loading” has adverse side effects, so make sure to drink the right levels of fluid.


1.5 to 2 liters of water per day has long been traditional wisdom. But fluid intake level depends on several factors, including exercise, health, conditions, climate, and gender.



The ideal option is to follow traditional wisdom and then moderately increase water intake around two liters per day. If you already have kidney stones, prevent the formation of a new stone by drinking 2 to 3 liters of water per day.




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